Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Personal Reading Profile!

Right now I would be considered a dormant reader. I love books and to read but have very little time to do so with classes and work. And usually the only time I do read is for work and or school. However, when I am not in school and not working I would be considered a binge reader. Once I get back into reading after a hiatus I tend to read any book that sounds interesting one after the other. I actually did this when I read Harry Potter for the first time last year. I read every minute I had. 

I have loved to read since I was little. And I always had to have a book with me at all times in case I had a even a minute of free time to do so, which has not really changed since becoming an adult. When I was younger my mom had to take away my books in order to ground me. Even though that stopped when she found my Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer book hidden under my pillow for when she left. 

When it comes to reading my philosophy is that life is too short to read a book you don't like. If I don't like a book within a few chapters I tend to either put it aside and see if it will interest me later or I just put it on shelf never to be read again. I used to feel like I had to finish every book I started but stopped once I realized it made me not want to read in case the book was bad. I always admire the people who are able to finish a book they don't like because I sure as heck don't have that type of patience. Although I will say I will try any book at least once. 

When it comes to genres my favorites have to be:
- Historical Fiction
- World War II Non-fiction
- Psychological Thrillers
- Mysteries
- True Crime Non-fiction and
- Fantasy

I also am, somewhat weirdly, interested in Non-fiction books about life in North Korea and the Amish life....I don't know why these books interest me but they do. I tend to just chalk it up to my nosy personality since these subjects are not usually well known. 

But anyway, that's me! Can't wait to discuss more books with everyone and to lengthen my TBR list!


  1. It's so interesting that you admire people who read a whole book even if they don't like it, because I really admire people like you who are able to put a book down and not feel guilty about it. I have finally started getting better about it now that I have so little free time that I can't afford to waste it on something that I don't like.

    I totally feel you on the dormant reader thing. I went through that after I had my kids, and I hardly read anything for 3 years. Last year was my first year that I was able to get back into it. Do you do audiobooks? That has really helped me fit books in while I'm doing other tasks.

    It was great getting to know you and I look forward to hearing more from you this semester!

  2. I am the exact same way with not finishing a book. In the past few months, there have been a few books that I'll get to about 50-75% of the book and decide I don't like it and I'll just stop. For me, I don't want to spend my precious free time reading something I don't enjoy.

    As for finding Breaking Dawn under your pillow...honestly a GOAT move. I remember being so excited for that book to come out and I don't think I slept until I read the whole thing, LOL.

  3. Have you read The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson? It's a fictional grand adventure set in North Korea. I read it years ago, and that's all the detail I remember except that I enjoyed it for its window into N. Korean life and for its improbable story.

  4. Hi Emilia! I can totally understand being a dormant reader, I will go through phases where I will read ten books in two weeks and then I won’t pick up a book for months at a time. I used to feel really guilty about this and would think things like how can I call myself a reader when I haven’t looked at a book in so long. I’ve had to come to understand that there are times when my brain needs to read and there will be times when that’s just not the type of media I can consume for a while (usually if I’m not reading, I’m bingeing a show or movie series). This understanding has helped some but it’s still hard sometimes to love something so much and not be able to bring myself to do it. I can tell I’m moving toward that now because I’m stocking up on books to try to read before I lose interest and that tends to happen before a reading slump. It’s unfortunate considering all the reading we’ll be doing for this class, but I tell myself that the books will still be there when I’m ready to read them.

  5. Like your classmates have said - I think we all go through phases of dormant reading! I had to LOL at the Breaking Dawn under the pillow - that's fantastic. I too love Amish books, although I tend to steer towards Amish romance (a good ol' bonnet ripper). Great reading profile!


Week 15 Prompt

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